Thursday, August 15, 2013

Alternative Ways

While waiting for the boys to come out of the Ice Rink last Sunday, L'il M, Esme and I relaxed in the shade of some grass.  L'il M thought she'd use the time to practice putting on/taking off of the vest.
She got it on right, but Esme rolled over preventing L'il M from buckling it

Trying it again

Hmmm...  that doesn't look right

Studying the situation

At this point, the boys returned so her attempts were done for the day.

1 comment:

mickelle smith said...

That's too cute! One time when we were first married, my husband was supposed to meet me somewhere with the dog and he had to stop at the store so he clipped the puppy coat on and went in. When he got to me he said that the puppy coat kept falling off for some reason. I had him show me how he put it on and he clipped them both around his belly. Poor dog (I think it was Phoenix) was so confused...