I fell short of my 4-5 days of running this week. While I had the logistics figured out, the reality became that I was too tired to drag myself out a couple of times, especially these last two days when the weather became dreary. The return to standard time has L'il M's sleep schedule all messed up. She is up at 5AM! If I could get to bed at 9, that might be OK. Having teenagers with a baby is way more fatiguing than having several little ones. I so wish I was someone who could function on 6 hours of sleep instead of 9 being the optimal amount.
As I have continued my doggie goal setting, I am excited to let Rudy finish his agility career, and then perhaps we will do some Rally obedience- clicker style. :) There are 2-3 local AKC agility trials in January and February. My plan is to enter as much as I can those weekends, and see what the Ruditude can do. Winter is his best time for trialing as he LOVES the cold! I have to focus on his conditioning these next few months, which should nicely coincide with my need to get in shape. Of course, we need to get to somewhere to practice on a course, as well. There are a couple options for that, so I will have to see what I can work out. The challenges for Rudy in Excellent will be that his dog walk is not as fast as it could be (he trots), and he will not get to redo his weave entrance over and again 'til he "gets it". 7 1/2 is getting to be an older competitive agility dog, especially for a German Shepherd.
Once Rudy completes his agility career, I look forward to doing Rally with Rudy using only clicker methods for training. I expect that there will be so much more precision in performance than I would get from "traditional" methods.
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