Just a month ago, I was dead-set against getting a baby puppy should Pilgrim have gone back during November. L'il M was just too clingy, and it was impossible to step outside without her. But now, she seems so much older, and has become very adventurous (thus requiring constant supervision). My family has pleaded for a puppy rather than a transfer. My brief consideration for a break in my guide dog raising was shelved after finding out that there are 300 fewer puppy raisers currently, than there were just a few years ago. I find it saddening to tell someone that I cannot put out just a little extra time to help them become freer in life. Guide dog puppy raising is a gift to those who have a harder time in life. It is truly not a big enough imposition or trouble to forsake those who can greatly benefit from the companionship and service that guide dogs provide. So, it looks like a black labby puppy is in our future.
Today, we celebrated the big boy with some Senior Pictures <smile>. I have stolen that term from Mickelle, who is raising Placer, Pilgrim's brother. Placer's senior pictures can be seen here- Placer. He looks much like Pilgrim, only darker and a bit less "fluffy". My tradition for the past 4-5 puppies that I have raised has been to go on a hike that overlooks the mountain valley that I live in and take photos.
I wish I had better planned for the lighting. The gorgeous snow-capped mountains were shadowed by the afternoon, and my attempts to capture them left Pilgrim with these funny sun-spots. I got a few of the whole hiking crew for today, too.
Dillon, Rudy, Levi, and Pilgrim
My hiking group- love them all!
It is always the most bittersweet moment in a puppy-raisers life. Celebrating the wonderful young adult dog that so much time and energy has shaped (in Pilgrim's case, a ridiculous amount of paper towels and cleaning supplies in that first 6 months, as well). I look forward to Pilgrim's future with hopefulness for him to make it as a guide dog, but certainty that he will make someone's life better with his charm, loyalty, and sweetness. Our entire family will miss Pilgrim. I think L'il M may be a bit lost without him. He has been like a young sibling to her. They adore each other and are always hanging out playing (occasionally getting into trouble) together. A whole 'nother post on that.