Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Holding onto hope, Pilgrim

First of all, I am needing a Pilgrim hug.  Pilgrim is a hugger.  I know that, in general, dogs do not like hugs from humans (they feel very dominated by the behavior), but it always felt like Pilgrim hugged back rather than just tolerated the hugs.
Pilgrim hugging L'il M

For the first time (well, since that first week or two) since Pilgrim left for formal training, I feel a hole in my heart when looking at other Goldens.  My eyes tear up.  The unknown of what is going on with Pilgrim's training saddens me.  I just wish I could know the severity of his "training issue" and what the expected outcome will be.  I feel empathy for Pilgrim getting to have that special week being someone's buddy again only to be returned to the kennel.  What must Pilgrim be feeling?  I know he's probably adjusted by now, but that first night and day really eats at me.  Pilgrim will not be returning to our family if he gets career changed, and the prospect of never seeing him again...  oh, let's just say, he needs to graduate!  Come on, Gold Dog, you can get it!  Hugs, Pilgrim.

Esme needs a post update- I'll get it together this week!

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